Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012


Sekitar 12 juta orang di seluruh dunia terperangkap dalam praktek kerja paksa. Hal ini seharusnya tidak terjadi dalam era modern saat ini. Demikian hasil penelitian Organisasi Buruh Internasional ( ILO ).

ILO menyebutkan bahwa dari total 12 juta orang tersebut hampir 10 juta orang dieksploitasi melalui kerja paksa, umumnya disektor swasta. Sisanya sekitar 2 juta orang menjadi korban penyelundupan manusia.
“Kerja paksa merupakan sisi suram dari globalisasi dan mengabaikan hak-hak asasi manusia,” kata Direktur ILO , Juan Somavia.

Di Asia tercatat 9,5 juta orang terperangkap dalam kerja paksa, di Amerika Latin dan Karibia sekitar 1 juta orang, di sub – Sahara Afrika sekitar 600 ribu orang, Timur Tengah dan Afrika Utara 260 ribu orang. Eksploitasi tersebut terjadi di sector – sector pertanian, konstruksi, pembuatan bahan bangunan, dan permesinan yang seharusnya membedakan antara pekerja pria dan wanita.

ILO juga mencatat bahwa 40-50 % dari total pekerja paksa itu adalah anak-anak di bawah 18 tahun yang harus bekerja berat. Selain itu, tercatat sekitar 2 juta orang dipaksa bekerja oleh penguasa atau kelompok pemberontak. Orang-orang yang masuk kedalam kerja paksa itu umumnya karena terjepit utang serta tidak bisa lepas dari lingkaran kemiskinan.
Kegiatan kerja paksa tersebut terjadi karena kurangnya pengawasan atau perekrutan tenaga kerja dan lemahnya posisi kerja. Munculnya bentuk-bentuk baru dari pemaksaan dalam globalisasi ekonomi saat ini juga menimbulkan sejumlah masalah.

“ Kerja paksa sangat bertentangan dengan kelayakan kerja yang menjadi tujuan dari ILO,”UJAR Somavia. Oleh sebab itu, katanya perlu strategi yang tepat untuk menghapuskan kegiatan kerja paksa itu dengan melibatkan berbagai pihak seperti pemerintah,organisasi pekerja, pengusaha, dan badan-badan pembangunan.


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Gegap gempita kasus deportasi TKI illegal belum selesai. Kasus TKI Ilegal berujung pada kunjungan Presiden ke Malaysia itu memang membuahkan hasil, yakni penundaan kembali pelaksanaan razia dan deportasi menjadi mulai 1 maret 2005. Akan tetapi, jangan berharap lebih dari itu. Kesepakatan pemimpin tertinggi kedua Negara itu tidak akan menyelesaikan akar masalahnya. Selain itu, tidak menjamin dikemudian hari tidak akan ada lagi kasus-kasus seperti ini.

Kunci penyelesaian semua masalah itu adalah menciptakan lapangan kerja di dalam negri. Oleh karena itu, sudah saatnya kita mempertanyakan kembali kebijakan ekonomi dan pembangunan yang ditempuh pemerintah selama ini. Benarkah kebijakan-kebijakan tersebut dapat menciptakan lapangan kerja? Jika kita membicarakan arah kebijakan pembangunan ekonomi, berarti mempersoalkan juga pilihan-pilihan sektor dan industri-industri yang menjadi prioritas dalam pembangunan ke depan.

Persoalannnya adalah sampai sekarang belum terlihat tanda-tanda bahwa pemerintah serius menangani sector pertanian. Saat ini, sector pertanian menjadi tumpuan hidup 25,6 juta keluarga petani atau sekitar 125 juta penduduk Indonesia dan setiap tahunnya diharapkan mampu menyerap hampir 1 juta angkatan kerja baru.

Menurut pengamat ekonomi pertanian , Bustanil Arifin, sector pertanian tidak dapat diandalkan sebagai penyerap tenaga kerja dari perkotaan. Kelebihan tenaga kerja di pedesaan ini akhirnya mengalir kembali ke perkotaan sebagai buruh kasar.
Jika dilihat dari struktur, angkatan kerja di Indonesia didominasi oleh penduduk usia keja yang berpendidikan rendah dan berketrampilan rendah. Akan tetapi, jika dilihat dari profil mereka yang menganggur, ada kecendrungan dalm beberapa tahun terakhir, jumlah penganggur dengan jenjang pendidikan lebih tinggi semakin meningkat.

Dalam beberapa kasus, kondisi ini sering dikaitkan dengan kurikulum pendidikan di Indonesia. Kurikulum tersebut tidak dirancang atau diarahkan secara khusus untuk menghasilkan tenaga- tenaga kerja terampil sesuai kebutuhan industry atau sector-sector yang ada. Akibat dominasi tenaga kerja berketrampilan rendah ini, manufactur yang berkembang hanya hanya industry padat karya yang mengandalkan tenaga kerja murah, seperti industry tekstil dan produk tekstil, alas kaki dan industry kayu. Yang Ironisnya, industry atau sector-sektor itu kini terpuruk karena berbagia permasalahan yang kompleks, seperi daya saing yang terus merosot, hambatan regulasi, dan kebijakan fiscal yang tidak mendukung.

Sementara itu, industry yang terbukti menyerap dan menjadi tumpuan utama penghidupan mayoritas penduduk, seperti industry-industri yang berbasis pertanian atau kelautan / perikanan,telantar dan dianaktirikan. Oleh karena itu, untuk menangani hal tersebut diperlukan renaissance atau gerakan kembali ke industry yang menjadi kekuatan dasar dari Negara ini, yakni sector pertanian dan kelautan. Setelah ituberkembang,baru kita melangkah ke sector industry lainnya.

Jumat, 26 Oktober 2012



Everybody has different causes to reach one career in the world. And it also come about Kristen Jaymes Stewart. She is a hollywood actrees who raised in Los Angeles,California. Her whole family all worked behind the camera. She tought she would becoma a writer / director. She never considered become an actor. She’s now so famous for her role as Bella Swan, the clumsy new student at Forks High School who falls in love with vampire Edward Cullen in ” The Twilight Saga".
Kristen Stewart was born on April 9,1990 and raised in Los Angeles,California. This 22 –year-old girl’s acting career began at the age of eight, after an agent saw her perform in her elementary school play. She has started more than 19 films. Stewart’s first role was a non speaking part in the film “ The Thirteenth Year “.
On November 16,2007, Summit Entertainment announced that Stewart would play Isabella “Bella” Swann in the film “ Twilight “, based on Stephani Meyer’s best selling vampire romance novel. She star alongside Robert Pattinson , who plays Edward Cullen. After the release of Twilight, Kristen Stewart was awarded the MTV Movie Award for Best Female Performance for her potrayal as Bella Swan. Stewart reappeared as Bella Swan. Stewart reappeared as Bella in sequels, “The Twilight saga: Breaking Dawn-Part 1”, and “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn-Part 2”.
Stewart currently lives in Woodland Hills, Los Angeles. Stewart who does not watch TV has expressed a desire to live in work in Australia. Apart from acting , she is also interesed in attending college in the near future, sAying “ I want to go to college for literature, I want to be a writer. I mean I love what I do, but it’s not all I want to do – be a profesional liar for the rest of my life.
According to Robert Patinson, Kristen Stewart is a very unique girl. She swear like a sailor and feel everything 200 percent. She’s atlethic and tomboyish. Her favourite clothes are jeans. In other words, Kristen is an intense young lady.
A reporter asked her about her initial impression of the twilight project. She said, “ I thought it was really ambitious, this portrayal of the ultimate, most epic love love story that could could be. Also, Bella is not a typical female lead. The power balance between her and Edward is really skewed. Edward is a confident, perfect idealistic man, although deep down he’s actually really afraid.
In Breaking Down, she has got to be pregnant and have a baby, somenthing she never exprience in her real life. She said she learned from who just have a baby. And she said “So I’m a godmom now, which is crazy.” She has to wear prosthetic bellies for this flim. She said, “I’m incredibly pregnant in yhe first movie. I was trying on prosthetic bellies. I’ve worn it. It is crazy. And this time film people could compare the diffrent of Bella, prevampire, and post vampire.

Kamis, 25 Oktober 2012


English is an international language which is very useful in this globalization era. Therefore, many people want to master English. Some of them have been able to learn it successfully and used it in daily communication, while some others may think that English is a difficult subject to master. In other words, we can say that some people will successfully learn and use English, while some others will not.
 In English, there are four language skills, namely listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Listening and reading, belong to receptive skills, while speaking and writing belong to productive skills. Language learners are considered successful if they can communication effectively in the language. It means that the parameter of learning success is judged by the fluency of the language they produce. As a result, the learners success is often evaluated from their speaking ability, as language learners, we must be able to speak the language fluently. There must be some factors that are responsible for the learners success.
A common observation is that not only are some language learners more successful than others, but also those good language learners do different things than poorer language learners. In second language acquisition literature, this refers to the so called language learning strategy ( LLS ). Simply put, Language learning strategy is specific action, behavior, step, or technique used by the learners in the process of learning a language to improve their language skills. All language learners, needles to say, use language learning strategy in the learning process, whether in a conscious or unconscious way. The use of language learning strategy will somehow help the learners to improve their ability in learning a second language if the strategy selected by the learners appropriate with them. In contrast, if the learners use the strategy which is not appropriate for them, it will be useless.

The Strategies used to improve speaking ability

Based on Oxford’s taxonomy , there were 2 strategies used by successful English learners  to improve speaking ability are : Directly and Indirectly strategies. 

1. Directly Strategies
In directly strategies consist of 3 sets : memory strategies, cognitive strategies, and compensation strategies. It was important to be considered that to improve their speaking ability, the subjects needed to use memory strategies which assisted them in storing and retrieving the information ; cognitive strategies which helped them in understanding and producing the language ; and compensation strategies which aided them to overcome their limitation in speaking. These sets, therefore, assisted the learners to be good ‘performer’ of language ( Oxford 1990:14).  

a) Memory strategies 
Memory strategies consist of creating mental linkages, applying sounds and reviewing well.
b) Cognitive Strategies
In cognitive strategies , there were 3 strategies to be considered : practicing, receiving and sending message, and analyzing and reasoning. 
c) Compensation Strategies 
This strategy was important as it assisted the learners to solve their difficulties in learning, especially in Speaking .  The learners needed to use this strategy to avoid communication breakdown.

2. Indirectly Strategies
In Speaking,  learners not only have  good performers but the learners also have to be able to manage their emotion ,motivation , and attitudes.  This is called indirect strategies. Indirectly strategies consist of 3 sets, are metacognitive strategies , affective strategies and social strategies.

a) Metacognitive Strategies
There were 3 strategies in this set : centering the learning, arranging and planning the learning and evaluating the learning. Centering the learning as a part of  metacognitive strategies covered over viewing and linking the materials , paying attention , and delaying speech production. 

b ) Affective Strategies
There were 3 strategies used by the subjects; they were lowering the anxiety, encouraging themselves, and taking the emotional temperature. Lowering the anxiety was used by the subjects especially when they were in competition, although only 3 subjects used this strategy. Besides, they also  made positive statements to motivate them internally and gave themselves rewards to motivate them internally and gave themselves rewards to motivate them externally.

c ) Social Strategies
Speaking  will not be successfully  done if one of these three components is missing. Social strategies can be considered as abridge that assists the learners to interact with others. There were 3 strategies to be considered : asking question, cooperating with others, emphatizing with others.

Learning strategies , in fact are the issues of language learning which nowadays seems to be important to know and to do by language learners. Some strategies will be useful to some learners more than others, so it is hard to indicate at which strategy the kinds of learners to be the greatest one (Cahyani,2010 ).